Hello, are you still in business?

So, the question for your business operation is, are you still there? Have you survived 2020? Have you made necessary changes ahead of your competition?
Mindfulness at the Workplace: Does it Work?

Do you find yourself daydreaming or having problems to stay focused at work? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Mindfulness at the Workplace
Why your Startup is Not Selling Out

Being an entrepreneur isn’t about flipping a coin a hoping for success. In a world where new businesses names appear and disappear in the blink of an eye, it’s important to understand why companies fail and what to do about it. For instance, you can have a well-branded idea, a great website, and even an […]
4 Essential Apps for Startups and Small Businesses

There are two thing startups and small businesses need more than anything, and that’s cost-efficiency and time-efficiency. That’s why we have made this short list of apps that can help you become more productive, more organized, and more efficient. For mailing purposes: Mailchimp Allows you to create mailing lists and controls your newsletters. An […]
4 Reasons Why Chatbots Are Changing Small Businesses for Good

In an age of immediacy, small businesses that are there for their customers when they need it the most –that is, at the right time, will always have the upper hand, and will inevitably secure more sales. In 2018, you don’t need to be a tech genius to set up your own chatbot for your […]
Growing Your Business: Three marketing trends to watch before 2018 ends

Having a small business means seizing every possible resource and seeking alternatives. If you want to stay ahead of the competition and you want to go a step further, check these marketing trends that are already making a big impact on big brands. Measuring ROI –the right way Testing the impact of an advertising […]
Small Businesses and SSL: How Google’s Chrome New Update Might Scare Your Customers Away

With Facebook latest security breach and the Cambridge Analytica Scandal, all we thought we knew about internet privacy and security was placed in doubt. Cyber-security, a topic no-longer reserved for tech-buffs, violently rose into trending topics, with millions of people asking themselves whether their data and personal information were actually safe while browsing the web. […]
5 Mistakes You’re Making Trying to Grow Your Mailing List

You’ve heard about it a million times now: Building a robust mailing list can boost your online presence, increase your revenue, and fortify your relationship with your customers. The reason is simple, it increases engagement, which ultimately leads to more click rates and therefore, more sales. Beginners tip: If you’re thinking of starting an email […]
6 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do Before Breakfast

A successful entrepreneur is made of habits that differentiates him from the rest. He recognizes the value of consistency both in the way he does business and in the way he lives. This is a vital rule: Whenever you take care of yourself, you are taking care of your business. Here are 6 things successful […]
The Authenticity Algorithm or Why Your Instagram Content Isn’t Going Viral

It is 2018 and Social Advertising budgets are still on the rise. The reason? Social Media is obliterating any other outdated and traditional advertising strategies in terms of spending, and effectiveness. Smart brands and businesses are now shifting their advertising spending into Social Media platforms like Facebook, or Instagram to: Increase sales Gain critical […]
5 Mistakes Brands Make When Working with Influencers

Spending thousands of dollars on advertising alone is a thing of the past. Small business knows they have to rely on both advertising and influencers to build trust, awareness, and engagement if they want to increase sales. So let’s say you decide to spend some of your marketing budgets on that popular comedian who seems […]
The Rise of Stories: What Interruption Marketing Can Learn From Movies

In 2016, an estimated of $41.4 billion in advertisements were blocked worldwide by ad blockers. Interrupt advertising was lethally wounded. Advertising budgets plummeted. Marketers started feeling frustrated and unable to reach their audience. After decades, consumers learned to distrust advertising. They felt so attacked, that they even started paying full-price programs to avoid those “annoying” […]
Books Every Business Owner Must Read

From Data science to Storytelling. From Sales to Internet marketing. These books are pure gold for startups, entrepreneurs, and small business owners. Reading business books can garner huge profits with a very small investment –a book is usually less than $9.99 – $29.99, and an average non-fiction reading session can last 30 to 45 minutes […]
The One Summer Giveaway That Would Earn Digital Nomads a 12 Weeks Trip Worth USD$6,000

Do you work remotely? Do you want to travel the world while networking with individuals that share your passion to succeed? With Hacker Paradise, you can win the chance to pick two destinations between Playa del Carmen, Mexico City, Sofia, Osaka, Morocco, and Seoul in order to spend six weeks working at each location with […]
The Impact Of Drones On Web Marketing

Take Your Brand’s Story Telling to the Next Level With Stunning Visual Effects, Unique Perspectives, and New Points-Of-View (without breaking the bank) We’re living in a visual world. In fact, video content will soon make up about 90 percent of all internet traffic, and adding visual content to your website boost your odds of earning […]
Business Process Review: We become experts in your business processes.

Salesforce Done Right While Salesforce can dramatically improve workplace productivity and client satisfaction, implementing it properly can be difficult, time-consuming, and expensive for an inexperienced organization. We started Salesforce Jedis to deliver timely, cost-effective Salesforce consulting services to your business, so you can focus on what you do best. Whether you need something as basic […]
Training & Documentation: Videos, manuals, guides, cheat sheets, sales.

Proven Process. Real Results. Have you just received your Salesforce licenses and you aren’t sure where to start? Or do you simply wish to optimize your current Salesforce usage and improve user adoption? Either way, Salesforce Jedis can help you get more out of your software investment. Our Process Discovery – We work with you […]
Integration: Complete integrations with your current system

To operate efficiently, many of today’s companies must utilize a wide variety of applications. Salesforce Jedis can help, by integrating many external web services and applications into Salesforce – including email platforms, weather reports, and internal databases. We can also connect Salesforce to external third-party systems such as Amazon S3. Our cloud integration platform allows […]
Data Migration: We will migrate your data from any database to Salesforce.

No legacy database is perfect. If it were, you wouldn’t be here reading about replacing yours! If you’ve considered migrating data over to Salesforce, but you’re uncertain if it’s the right move for your business, consider the consequences of leaving that data where it is: Analytics problems. If the information isn’t recorded correctly, you cannot […]
Sales & Marketing Management: Manage leads with cloud integration.

With Salesforce Marketing Automation, marketing and sales work hand in hand to manage every interaction with your prospects – so you can create, deploy, and manage online marketing campaigns from a single centralized platform. Generate Better Leads Save time with Salesforce by identifying and focusing on the most qualified prospects. Powerful marketing tools make it […]
Custom Development: Custom solutions, custom development to meet your needs.

Whether you require file-sharing, quotes, contact management, or product tracking, Salesforce CRM is the single source for all of your sales team’s needs. And Salesforce Jedis is the single source for all of your Salesforce needs! We’ll help you connect with your customers, collaborate with your sales team, and stay up-to-date on your projects – […]
Do You Need a Professional Website Redesign?

If Your Site Is Old, Out Dated, Or Broken, What Should You Do? Your website is not a pair of bell-bottomed jeans. If you wait long enough it is not going to become ‘vintage’ and cool again. But that doesn’t mean that you have to start all over again and develop a whole new site. […]
Salesforce: Seriously Easy Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Despite revolutionary changes in technology over the last thirty years, the fundamentals of what you do hasn’t changed very much: you communicate ideas by writing, speaking, teaching, and consulting; you offer products and services based on your knowledge; you educate leads and prospects to help them find the right product or solution to a problem […]
Why We Came To Hollywood (and why maybe you should, too)

When it was time for Idea180 to find a larger workspace, we knew that the city we chose would have an impact on our company. Like a growing family looking for a new home, it was important for us to choose a place that would continue to suit us into the future. This was why […]
The Growing Trend in Mobile Marketing And What It Means For Your Sales Strategy

More people now own mobile devices than desktop PCs. Nearly 70 percent of all adults in the United States have a smartphone, and Americans spend about 35 hours a month browsing on their phones. And Google has already shifted its focus because of this trend, as evidenced by their recent roll out of a “mobile […]
Lesser Known Pay-Per-Click Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

Learn Some Pro PPC Techniques To Give You An Edge On The Competition Some of the advice you’ll get about pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is fairly standard. You may, for instance, know about the importance of doing your keyword research. And you might be aware of the need to perform A/B tests to make sure you’re […]
Business Accelerators & Incubators – Miami Florida

If you’re thinking about starting your own business and are in the research and planning phase, you may begin to get overwhelmed by how much needs to be done that does not relate directly to the central purpose or mission of your intended business. Whether you are developing software, creating an invention, opening a new […]
5 Key web marketing trends of 2017

This 5 step blueprint will show you what steps will take your web marketing to the next level. Web marketing has often been described as running a marathon versus a sprint race. It takes time, pacing, and endurance. It also helps to keep your head up so you can think about and plan for the […]
Whistle While You Work?

What is the best choice of what to listen to while you work to increase productivity and decrease distraction? The Atlantic (The Best Music for Productivity? Silence) and INC. (Neuroscience Says Listening to the Noise of Nothing Is Best for Productivity) have both run pieces this month re-visiting the debate over what is the best […]
Why Hire PPC Experts?

Internet Marketing: SEO & PPC If you want to drive traffic to a website or landing page there are essentially two methods: search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. SEO is all of the activity that improves your site’s organic search engine rankings. It involves all aspects of the content and design of your […]